A C20 Gender Equality working group side event took place at the SAADI Memorial Institute of Education, Pulwama, Kashmir, on June 15, 2023.
The day’s program, which benefitted 575 students, included:
- 3 Breaking Rigid Gender Stereotypes workshops
- 2 Emotional Wellbeing course
- 1 Menstrual Hygiene Workshop
- 1 Building confidence through theatrics course
- 1 Gender Equality Pledge
The interactive sessions aimed to: Building menstrual awareness & hygiene – Busting myths about menstruation – Introducing adequate nutrition – Usage of pads – Learning simple yoga asanas to curb menstrual cramps.
At the end of each sessions, the participants had inquisive questions related to a lack of understanding about this delicate matter related to girls and women’s bodies.
AMMACHI Labs’ assistant research analyst and trainer, Radhika Shetty taught students to recognise and challenge rigid gender roles in society through critical thinking activities and dialogue. Students also learned about the roles of emotions in our life and how to express them effectively. A session employing techniques from theater were also introduced to help boost students confidence and oratory skills .
A special session on Emotional Intelligence was held for the students pursuing law. This was followed by an interesting activity which compelled students to question the rigid gender roles that exist in society and how one goes about navigating them.