Dr Ramya Neelamegham introduced us to the concept of 3 G’s that comes under any of the learning person’s life. i.e., Gratitude, Goal, and Game plan. According to her, we all should understand the importance of gratitude. We should feel happy and grateful for being here and moving forward. No matter what the situation is, we should face it with a smile, and we should be grateful for everything around us.
She recommends all of us to have personal goals along with career goals because ultimately achievement of those personal goals will lead us to the most satisfying phase of our life. For achieving those goals, she recommends us to have a game plan i.e. How much time, how much mind and how much energy of us to spent on those goals.
She discussed about the education system in the past and compared it with current scenario. With the advent of technology, education has reached a higher level than before. Learning things and acquiring knowledge have come to the fingertips of every human being. She discussed about three steps in acquiring education: Content delivered, Assimilation and Application. Education is not completely about the content delivered, it’s about the students’ mindset and learning skills which assimilate it. so, a student himself is the rider of his learning journey.
She also discussed about the advantages of online programs and digital content. According to her, in today’s technologically innovative world, Digital content offers flexibility, Quality, Inclusiveness, and Security.
She also narrated us a story with morals, not to do something, so that everyone is doing it unless it gives happiness and satisfaction to us. It’s not mandatory to do what others are following, we can develop our own ways to improve ourselves and create happiness around us. This is what she conveyed through that story.
Recommendations: Practice Gratitude, Use technology in education wisely and nicely. Recommended to have personal goals and plan to achieve that.
Mr Rakesh Kumar discussed about the complexity and challenges faced by todays business environment and he feels that only through active involvement along with technological advancement, in todays time one can develop and maintain a business.
He discussed about the importance of technology , leadership skills, team management to build a business and run it smoothly. He also discussed about the impact of technology on education and also its social and environmental implications. He says Artificial Intelligence is a game changer. He discussed about chat gpt-which give human like responses, block chain technology used in banking and other investment sectors, supply chain technology used in his own organization, cloud computing-which helps in expanding business with less investment in hardware technologies and finally he discussed about Internet Of things.
While talking about C20 and its theme of Vasudaiva kutumbakam, he said that one of the challenges still the world is facing is poverty, and according to him, this poverty and literacy is closely related to each other. By increasing literacy, we can decrease the value of poverty around us. And he recommends the use of technology to increase the rate of literacy around us. He feels that technology has enabled more people to get familiarized with the learning and education system. So, he recommends increase in education with innovative use of technologies.
Recommendations: There should be flexibility to adapt to technological innovation in business. While developing a business one should keep in mind its social and environmental implications. Technology is an inevitable thing, and it should be introduced in every aspect of life in a positive way- education, business, personal growth, etc.
Mr Pradeep S discussed a case study about Nokia and explained the duration of the product life cycle of a product. He also compared the duration of the product life cycle of products in the past and current market. In today’s market, products are reaching its maturity and stagnation period fast as customer expectations are increasing day by day. According to him, these are the impact of technological innovations. He talked about different types of innovations like Radical, Incremental, disruptive, platform, open, and Frugal.
According to him. One of the best examples of technological innovation with right customer expectation is NETFLIX. He talked about industrial revolution and impact of industrial revolution 4.0 on individual economy, Business, society and jobs. Because of this huge impact of technology and innovations, the job demands and employment opportunities in the future will show a drastic change. He introduced us to McKinsey & Company’s 56 foundational skills that will help citizens in the future work. According to him, technology is the backbone of all industries now.
Then he discussed the impact of technology on the education sector. He explained to us about Bloom’s taxonomy. He discussed how each phase of taxonomy can be enhanced using technological tools. One of the most interesting things he discussed was about mind mapping. Mind mapping is a graphic technique that provides a universal key to unlocking the potential of the brain. He introduced some of the mind-mapping tools available today.
Recommendations: As he said technology is the backbone of every industry, he insisted everyone to acquire knowledge of new technological tools, and get familiarized with emerging applications and tools.
Dr V Vijay Anand Sriram : He started with the chant Angyana thimirandasya which brought a positive aura in the session. He introduced the term Skill Peak. He insisted us to get closely associated with what we like so that we can make use of our full potential. According to him, in todays century one should practice the process of learning, unlearning and relearning. In this fast pace of technological innovation, to learn new things we have to unlearn some traditional things and should be in the mindset to adapt to the changing technological environment and relearn the new things around us. The fundamental thing behind learning, unlearning and relearning is the attitude of a person. Ultimately our attitude leads us to the place where we want to be. According to him, we are our own limiting factor , we have to overcome that and move forward to achieve our goals and aspirations. Once we prioritize our goal our attention goes to that focused goal. These all things he mentioned focusing on digital transformation and technological innovations. He feels that the worst thing in life is unprioritized assumptions, fear, insecurity, procrastination, and overthinking. He ended the session with a positive quote.
Recommendations: Prioritise your goal, attitude is everything, be focused and closely associate with what you like and adapt to digital and technological transformation.