
Stress Relief for Mothers with Differently-abled Children

A C20 Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment Working Group side event titled “Stress Relieving Techniques for Mothers with Differently-abled Children”, was offered to mothers with children having severe disorders like DMD (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a genetic disorder characterized by progressive muscle degeneration).

The event was in collaboration with Mind Empowered, BharathMD Foundation, Fyera Foundation and Heartmath Institute.

Simple and practical heart-based techniques were offered to help bring more ease, patience, compassion and renewal, into daily interactions and family life, based on the HeartMath evidence-based system for self-regulation and well-being for adults and children, the science and intelligence of the heart.

Key matters addressed during the course:

  • Reducing Stress.
  • Regulating and Managing Emotions.
  • Coping with difficulties that mothers face.