Meeting Village Sarpanch for Policy Recommendations – Jammu

As a part of the C20 outreach programs, AMMACHI Labs researchers Radhika Shetty and Kaushk Rajaram visited the village of Pandori, Jammu, to collect policy recommendations. 

19 men and women participated in this Gender Equality Working Group Side Event, meeting village Sarpanch and discussing policy recommendations. 

It was learnt from the meeting that financial help was needed to build required infrastructure. The Sarpanch explained how he has been training young boys to join the armed forces from his own money and with the help of generous funders from the villagers. But this didn’t include young girls. Another issue that was raised was that although the government is providing bins but there is no one to pick up the garbage, sort it and dispose of it. There is also no place available to dispose the garbage 

A session was also conducted on Rigid Gender Norms, which included activities, dialogues and taking a pledge on Gender Equality. The women were also asked what their Ideal Village would look like, and issues they would like to have addressed. 

They mentioned the need for better lighting in the streets and asphalted streets to their homes. They also asked about possibilities for home jobs. Domestic violence in the village was also mentioned.

The C20 findings from this event can be summarized as follows: 

  • Better Lighting in the streets for the safety of women and children. 
  • Comprehensive and better waste disposal system (bins, people to collect and sort waste, place to dispose, funds to pay salaries) 
  • Need for public infrastructure for the aged. 
  • Need for recreational facilities for children. 
  • Need to build aspirations amongst young girls and boys.
  • Need for Gender Sensitization courses at school levels to prevent domestic abuse. 
  • Need for work from home opportunities for women, with a good pay. 
  • Need of good inner roads.