Brazil-India C20 Panel Meet

Brazil-India C20 panel met online (via Zoom), featuring Brazil’s most recognized personalities in social equality groundwork in the country.

C20 India is the official G20’s subgroup that provides an environment for civil society organizations from around the world to express their work and concerns to world leaders at the G20 summit.

The panel is presented by Swami Dayamritananda Puri, Executive Director of the Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi) organization centers, president of the C20 this year, and will also feature distinguished guests who will pass on their vision on social inclusion strategies in the Brazilian context: 

Father Julio Lancellotti, parish priest of the Church of St. Michael the Archangel and activist in social causes; 

Yuri Silva, director of policies to combat racism at the Ministry of Racial Equality; 

Vanda Witoto, activist of the indigenous cause and political educator.

The panel is the first connection of the ongoing activities of the C20 India with the Brazilian context, in preparation for the G20 summit next year, to be held in Brazil, and the creation of the same opportunity to express voice for civil society in the country in 2024.