The #Civil20 999 Challenge, a global initiative established by C20 chair Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, is changing lives across India!
From its inception during February 2023, over 65 schools and 6500+ students across India have partaken in the challenge which highlights how yoga and meditation can have a major impact on mental health; the core tenet being, creating outer peace via inner peace.
Participants of the challenge reported experiencing positive changes in their life outlooks, energy levels and overall sense of well-being. This, in turn, contributed to an atmosphere of peace within their schools and families.
The goal of C20 is to reach over 1 million participants worldwide by June 21st, 2023 which coincides with International Yoga Day.
Would you like to participate? The goal is to reach 1 million people around the world by #InternationalYogaDay, June 21st. There are three elements:
– 9 rounds of Surya Namaskar
– 9 minutes of Meditation for World Peace
– Practice this daily for 9 days
To register: