TST Working Group Summit
Technology and Security for One World grants each person the opportunity to work directly with experts in their field, as we look to improve the technology and digital space towards inclusivity, affordability and accessibility. These discussions will prove vital to drafting well-rounded policy recommendations submitted to the Civil 20. The two days will consist of keynotes, panel discussions, breakout groups, cultural programs and excursions.
Currently, India holds the Presidency of the G20. The Civil 20 (C20) is one of 11 official engagement groups under the G20. C20 provides a platform for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) around the world to bring forth non-government and non-business voices to G20. On behalf of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma), Honourable Chair of C20, Chancellor, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham and Founder, Mata Amritanandamayi Math, we are honoured to invite you on May 13th – 14th to Amrita University, Coimbatore Campus in India.
Contact : tst.c20chair@amrita.edu
For more details, Visit Summit Website: www.tech4world.org