Policy Dialogue on Learning Equity and Technology Enabled Learning
Ensure data protection of learners and educators while making technology accessible to all
The Civil 20 Education and Digital Transformation Working Group recently hosted a virtual Policy Dialogue on Learning Equity and Emerging Technologies. Eighty-four participants representing ten countries participated in the event.
Dr. Prema Nedungadi, C20 EDT Coordinator, Director of Amrita CREATE, and Chairperson of the School of Computing, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, said that technology is a powerful tool that can transform learning by making education equitable and accessible. It can be adapted to meet the needs of all learners.
The moderator, Dr. Sasangan Ramanathan, Dean, Engineering, and Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, explained that technology-enhanced learning solutions enabled access to quality education for all students and can support across contexts.
The eminent panellists included Mr. Abhijit Sinha, Founder- CEO of Project DEFY, Ms. Smrithi Rekha V, Founder of Anaadi Foundation, Ms. Pratiksha Pandey, CEO of Smart Cheli, Adv. Pravin Nikam, Founder and Educator at Samata Scholars, Dr. Deepika Singh, Associate Director of QUEST Alliance, Mr. Gurumurthy Kasinathan, Director in special consultative status with the United Nations ECOSOC, IT for Change, and Mr. Alimou Lembo, President of Global Humanist Association.
Advocate Pravin Nikam highlighted data protection for learners and educators of diverse backgrounds should be ensured while emerging technologies help achieve equity. He added that taking input from stakeholders from diverse backgrounds is imperative. However, he stressed that technologies must not further perpetuate inequalities.
Mr. Gurumurthy Kasinathan said, “Equity means reaching the unreached and their participation.” He said that everybody should benefit from a particular resource. He believes technology should have public investments and be publicly owned, sourced, and controlled. He acknowledged that collaboration of the public and private sectors in promoting technology, licensing content, and creativity is the way to address learning equity.
Ms. Smrithi Rekha Adinarayanan said it is necessary to create a platform that supports STEM learning and frame policy for the safe use of the internet. She said developing protocols to factor in emergencies that disrupt education and work on local language support for all digital tools is also essential.
Dr. Deepika Singh highlighted that systemic changes are required in the current teaching-learning model, emphasising capacity building. According to her, appropriate technology and software adoption for different subjects and diverse learners are the need of the day.
Ms. Pratiksha Pandey said that technology is helping bridge the gap in STEM education for young girls in Nepal, which governmental support. She added that technology integration in education could help young learners gain knowledge to understand real-time online violence, cyber security threat issues, and the use of technology for a safe future.
Mr. Abhijit Sinha pointed out that children must live happy lives and achieve their dreams. He stressed the importance of human-centred learning and not using technology as a replacement. He noted that the need to build technologies and ideas for the future is the real focus on creating an environment of equity learning, and there’s a need to bring in this transformation.
According to Mr. Alimou Lembo, sustainable development goals and performance require efforts at all levels and must start with education alongside digital achievement. He added that emerging technology could transform education systems. He stressed that technology must address educational needs during emergencies.