Home Events - Civil20 Panel Discussion and Preparatory work on the Topic of Education and Inclusion


Jun 09 2023


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Panel Discussion and Preparatory work on the Topic of Education and Inclusion

The panel discussion at the Civil20 India Spotlight event at the Zurich University of Teacher Education will explore challenges and solutions to achieve education for all. In preparation for the drafting of the C20 policies, the panelists will discuss the following questions:
‒ Are there aspects of the accessibility challenges specific to the context of the “global South”?
‒ How do we achieve the objective of “leaving no one behind” and develop cost-efficient but effective solutions?
‒ How can digital solutions be of help and what challenges do we face implementing them?
‒ The diverse nature of disability imposes its own set of challenges in developing solutions and remedies; this is compounded by the existence of multiple disabilities in some cases. In addition, non-visible disabilities need to be considered as well. How far has research progressed in developing feasible solutions in this respect?

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