The purpose of the “Security, Safety, Resilience” dialogue was to bring together various stakeholders such as CSOs, NGOs, and individuals to engage in a dialogue with policymakers on the topic of cybersecurity. The event aimed to discuss the current cybersecurity challenges, highlight the importance of global cooperation in protecting digital rights, and explore ways to build cyber resilience. The event also focused on educating the public, protecting critical infrastructure, and addressing issues related to digital violence against vulnerable communities. Additionally, the event aimed to share successful cybersecurity practices and frameworks to build trust among stakeholders.
Krishnashree Achuthan, Dean at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, opened by highlighting the exponential growth of cybercrimes and how it has given rise to terms such as “Cyber Pandemics”.
Anne-Marie Buzatu, Executive Director from ICT4peace, started the discussions by stressing on the importance of global co-operation to protect fundamental human digital rights and calling for governments to protect critical infrastructure.
Edan Ring, VP at Israel Internet Association (ISOC-IL), spoke about engaging the public by supporting victims of cyberattacks and educating the public to improve digital literacy.
Francesca Bosco, Senior Advisor at CyberPeace Institute, called for global policy makers to use a collective, intersectional and human-centric approach to cybersecurity, reiterating the need to protect critical infrastructure.
Eduardo Enrique Carrillo Portillo, Co-Director of TEDIC, spoke about the growing technologisation of public security policies in spaces such as border intelligence and stressed the importance of human rights impact assessments to ensure the public perspective is considered.
David Whyte, Ph.D., Head of Cyber Resilience Co-ordination at the Bank for International Settlements – BIS pressed on the need for cyber resilience in the finance industry and recommended a collective response via international reporting frameworks and capacity building to deter future attacks.
Nathan T., Principal Data Analyst of Trust and Safety at Google, spoke about protecting against business fraud using digital identities to avoid the creation of fake accounts and presented a framework to build trust among players.
Andrea Szegedi, Senior Program Manager at TechSoup shared successes in working with corporate players to provide free cybersecurity guidance to NGOs to stay secure online.
Silvia Calderón, Public Policy Analyst at IPANDETEC shed light on digital violence against vulnerable communities and emphasised the need to provide key data points for policy-making.
_Reut Menashe, Executive Producer at BsidesTLV, spoke about the lack of female representation in cybersecurity and the need for women role models.
Micha Weis, Cyber Consultant with the Israel Ministry of Finance – משרד האוצר, pressed on the critical need for collaboration between governments and citizens and recommended an ecosystem approach for citizens to report issues.
Shirin Shabana Khan, Senior Manager at Peoples’ Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (PVCHR), advocated for starting digital literacy early in rural communities.